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Learn the story of Kletas

Date added: 09.06.2021

Kletas lives in the neighbouring village near the Kasisi orphanage. Sister Mariola used to see him on the road on his way to or back from school, when he was still a primary school pupil. Years later she got to know him better when he tried to involve the boys from Kasisi in some financial scams involving the buying and selling of phones. She was afraid they would get in trouble, so she told her kids to stay away from him. After a while she stopped seeing him; he no longer walked past the house carrying his backpack. Years passed when their paths crossed again. She saw a grown-up young man wandering aimlessly through the village. She took an interest, stopped and asked him what he did for a living. He told her his story, how he got into teacher training after high school and how he eventually ran out of money to finish his studies. Sister Mariola offered to help him and paid for his tuition.

Today, Kletas is a qualified secondary school teacher. He visits Kasisi on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. He tutors and prepares our pupils for exams. He is repaying a debt of gratitude by working with the children of Kasisi, because for him the opportunity to get an education is not only a chance to pave the way to his future, but also to straighten out all the twists and turns of the past.

The sisters of Kasisi do not indulge in charity. It is not a place where anything is done for the young generations. It is a home that provides young people with equal opportunities, and the help is tailored to their individual needs. The vigilance and affection of the sisters reaches far beyond the walls of Kasisi. This was experienced by Kletas and many others who willingly return here to share the good they received from the sisters when they most needed it.

The sisters teach us that helping others is not about pity, but about meeting them, understanding them and, ultimately, about the joy that ensues from giving and thus creating a whole new world. We can share what we have with young people in need, and they can share themselves with us. Thanks to this, Kasisi is a place brimming with life and joy every day. Everyone who has visited us can’t wait to come back.


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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,126 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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