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Such conversations are important

Date added: 28.03.2022

When the children from Kasisi heard that war had broken out in Ukraine and that mothers with children were fleeing to the Polish border to escape the danger, they themselves suggested that the sisters should bring them all to Kasisi. “It is safe here, nothing will happen to them in Kasisi”. The wisdom and solidarity of our children stems from what this Home means to them and from the conviction instilled in them by the sisters from the very beginning that everyone, absolutely everyone, has the right to live in peace.

The older girls at House of Mercy watch the news every evening with Sister Mariola. When the war broke out, it became clear to their guardians that they needed to talk to them about the events in Ukraine. Children sense very quickly that something bad is happening. That is why it is necessary to talk to them about issues that bring a sense of threat. It is not enough to switch off the television and pretend that nothing is happening, when we, adults, are very much concerned with this issue. War and its consequences, expected also in Africa, are spoken about everywhere, at school, in kindergarten, in shops and on the street. Every child should be prepared for this.

The children from Kasisi know very well that apart from good there is also evil in this world. They have experienced enough of it in their own lives. There is no excuse for war. That is why the youngsters in Kasisi have recently been told a lot and clearly about what good and evil are during our evening talks. Speaking about the tragedies taking place in Ukraine, the sisters carefully choose their words, tailoring them to the sensitivity of the kids. Younger children create angels in the colours of the Ukrainian flag for their Ukrainian friends. Each angel is a symbol of prayer for them to be safe and for the war to end quickly.

Such conversations are important. A subject that we ourselves are preoccupied with cannot be kept from the children, nor can reality be trivialised or distorted. War is evil. Everyone in Kasisi knows this.

It is also thanks to you that we have created a safe space in Kasisi for almost 250 kids. A place where good and evil are clearly defined, where evil is not countered with evil but with good. It is a home which is full of love and peace. We do not want this to change! That is why, in the spirit of sincerity that Kasisi teaches, today we want to ask you for help!

We are still more than 10,000 PLN short of closing this month’s budget. The dollar exchange rate is setting new records. Help us to patch up the hole in the budget today! Join the fundraiser with this goal on our homepage. Join us in developing this safe place, which is a true, rare gem in our world right now.

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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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