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Education is, above all, a great opportunity for our kids from Kasisi

Date added: 25.01.2022

In no other part of the world do children show as much enthusiasm for school as in Africa. Nelly, although recently ill, was looking forward to returning to class and learning the alphabet – arranging letters is not just fun, it is how she expresses her dream of independence.

Her story was full of twists and turns and although our Nelly is a young lady now, we still see her first and foremost as our baby. She came to us at the age of three months, shortly after the death of her mother. She was then blind and completely paralysed. Thanks to your support, she underwent several surgeries (including two in Poland!). Not only has she regained some physical ability, but most importantly, she can see! Therefore, please – remember to add your photo when adopting Nelly.

We look at Nelly and think it’s hard to believe how fast our kids are growing up. Elisiah, who until recently was in kindergarten, started second grade yesterday. Eight-year-old Dorcas went to third grade and you can already see that she feels like a fish in water at school. For our kids in Kasisi, education is, above all, a great opportunity which they do not want to miss out on, and the most beautiful gift is often a new book, a school kit or extra curricular activities.

And don’t let the seesawing toddlers fool you, because there’ s quite a bit of competition and strategic thinking to their entertainment today! A jacks tournament has been in progress since early morning, which could only be interrupted by a delicious meal prepared by the Aunties and donated by you. Thank you for keeping the children healthy!

In Shopping for Kasisi, at Kasisi Academy, you will find school supplies at the top of the list – and that’s because at the moment a new notebook, pencil case or crayons are worth their weight in gold to the kids of Kasisi.

We are proud of our children’s diligence and enthusiasm for learning, and notebooks are something that should never be in short supply. Take a look in our school shop and donate a school kit. We on the other hand will soon show you how beautifully they manage their notebooks!

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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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