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Today Sister Jolanta celebrates her 96th birthday!!!

Dziś siostra Jolanta obchodzi 96 urodziny!!!

Date added: 01.02.2022

The life story of Sister Jolanta is material for an extraordinary film adaptation. Childhood in Podolia, interrupted by the war, deportation in freight cars to Siberia, imprisonment in Soviet camps, hunger, brutal cold, wandering around Siberia, and later also with “Tehran children” in Asia and Africa, to finally, in 1946, stand at the gates of her beloved Kasisi and for the next seventy-six years devote herself entirely to raising successive generations of Zambian youth rejected by fate and their loved ones.

Today Sister Jolanta celebrates her 96th birthday!!!

Dear Sister!!! Thank you for your presence in Kasisi since almost always. Since Back in the early decades of the last century when there was almost nothing here and children had to be given a drop of sugar water to ease their suffering. When racial segregation was rampant, when children with the most serious illnesses appeared in ever greater numbers at the Home. And when Kasisi began to develop and change, becoming known as the best orphanage in the whole country. This is also your great contribution!

Despite her age, Sister Jolanta still accompanies the group of oldest boys in Kasisi, in turns setting an an exmple for them as well as spoiling them. It has become a Kasisi tradition to have evenings together, during which, despite the three-generation age difference, she taps out with her cane the rhythm of contemporary songs sung by the boys.

For us, the sister is a “spiritual grandmother”. We know that she also prays for you, those who support Kasisi. And her prayer really has power, oh believe us, it does…

Especially today we are thankful for you. We send our warmest embrace and best wishes!!! All the best, much health and strength for another 100 years with us!!!

Remember Sister Jolanta today! We know unofficially that the sister has a great fondness for sweets, especially birthday cakes.

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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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