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Let us actively celebrate the success of the Pantry

Date added: 16.10.2021

Anastasia, Philip, Samuel, Benny, Rachel, Christopher, Chola, Nacia, Lontia, Susan, Gift – these are just some of the children who have come to the Home with severe malnutrition, some on the verge of death ravaged by hunger disease. It is often perfidious in that a child who is starving looks as if he or she is binge eating. Painful swellings are visible on the face and abdomen.

The reasons why children end up with us in such a state are a reflection of the evil in this world: poverty, illness and death of parents, abandonment in the bush or in empty buildings, the shamanic practice of expelling evil demons through hunger… Fortunately thanks to you, here in Kasisi, we can say STOP to all this evil and wage a battle against hunger. Initially fighting for every day of a child’s life, which in time will add up to years of living in good health.

For every child’s life that has been saved, today, especially on World Food Day, is the best opportunity to thank you once again for the PANTRY.

Before you came along, there was practically no concept of a “pantry” in Kasisi. The sisters bought only the basic food necessary at a given moment. With your big hearts and love for children we were able to open a special place – Kasisi online pantry, open 24/7. After just one year in existence, the quantity and quality of meals increased to such an extent that long-term changes in the children’s development have become apparent. The number of illnesses reported by the children has decreased dramatically and their performance in school has improved significantly.

EVERY single one of your visits to the PANTRY, every chicken, piece of cheese, tomato, kapenta or banana makes a real difference in the lives of our kids! Maybe you don’t always feel it, but it is really only thanks to your clicks that we can provide treatment for malnourished children and effectively protect other children from such problems for good every day… Give them energy to live (and this energy has been inexhaustible for a few years now, as you can see in the photos.)

We thank you once again!

And we have a modest suggestion: let us actively celebrate the success of the Pantry!!! TODAY, on World Food and Day – let’s do a little shopping!

To celebrate, for every Pantry purchase made over the weekend (16-17 October) we are doubling the points in our ‘Heart for a Heart’ Loyalty Programme, which has recently seen new rewards added.

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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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