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Read about Joseph’s wonderful transformation

Date added: 03.08.2021

Our hearts shattered into a thousand pieces when, 2.5 years ago, Joseph Golden arrived at Kasisi’s doorstep. We once again saw a child caught up in his parents’ suffering. The boy was brought in by his distraught father, who said he could no longer look after his son. Their appearance left no doubt that they had been living on the streets for months. The child’s body was consumed by inflammation, and he was suffering from ringworm all over his skin, onychomycosis and scabies.

It is impossible to even imagine what this boy had gone through, wandering the streets with his father. At first, he reacted very bitterly to everyone: spitting, biting, saying nothing except a few of the worst swear words in the Nyanya language. This was the only thing the streets had taught him in his few years of life.


Today, we know that on that day Joseph’s father had made the best decision by leaving him in Kasisi. The time spent living in the streets has had an irreversible impact on Joseph’s psycho-physical development, leaving him far behind his peers. But here, at the Home, every day we witness the boy opening up, giving trust, allowing himself to be loved and seeking contact with others. There is no trace of his former aggression, and simple words expressing his needs have replaced cursing. He often says “hug me”. He likes cuddling with aunty Peggy the most.


Joseph’s little friends are doing the best work in the whole process of his rehabilitation. They, completely ignoring Joseph’s differences, treat him like a buddy with whom they can fool around on the bench in front of the house or go for a walk. Even Joseph’s frequent and severe epileptic seizures do not alarm them. They know perfectly well how to behave in such situations. Every day they show him that he is part of the family and not some special child.


All this: saving lives, preserving health and restoring hope, can ONLY be done with your help. Thanks to Kasisi, we have changed Joseph’s life. And for him, this is the only life he has…


Perhaps you could persuade someone to also share their heart with the children of Kasisi, or to at least share this article? Tell someone from your family and friends today (it’s very important to do good things TODAY 馃檪) that we can make a difference and that we can change children’s tragedies into peace, joy and happiness! Christine, Matthew, Mishek and Rebecca are urgently waiting for friends who are willing to be by their side on a path to a better life.


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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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