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Mondays are always great in Kasisi!

Date added: 14.03.2022

Mondays are always great in Kasisi! The babies know this and try to spend every moment outside enjoying the sunshine. Fun sometimes turns into a lesson in diplomacy when Shadrick watches over all the toys. Mercy and Anastasia perfect the art of negotiation to take part in the fun. We have a feeling that any day now the roles might be reversed.

Even for the older children, Mondays are an exciting start to the week, despite the struggles of school, because, rested after the weekend, they excel in any challenge.

Maria has been learning to read in one-to-one lessons for several months now, and she is making rapid progress. She is very proud of this, as we know, because she has her reading book with her at all times and even teaches the older children new words. She even talked Thomas into learning, and when he saw Maria’s progress he started coming to the lessons himself. In any case, such lessons are very popular here – every child can’t wait to start reading and understanding all the mysterious books on the shelves in the classroom and library.

Dorcas, who came to the Home a few months ago, is excelling in third grade and showing a real talent for maths. Who knows what the future holds for her. Thanks to the support of her adoptive parents, the sky is literally the limit!

The older babies have recently abandoned their beloved motorbikes in favour of playing with a ball. They are even trying to play basketball, even though the basket is a little too high for them. But toddlers grow so fast that we feel like we barely blink an eye and previous challenges suddenly become a piece of cake for them.

Grace, our little model, loves having her picture taken, which can prove quite a difficult task as she would like to pose and see herself at the same time. She only takes breaks from modelling to have a snack of crispbread, a recent favourite among the children. Faustina, Matthew and Carolie concur, grinning as they pose for photos with their ‘pieces of cardboard’.

You are one of the reasons why children have the chance to grow up healthy and carefree. It is thanks to you that we can provide our children with, among other things, healthy meals served at regular times. Thanks to you, we do not have to worry that the meal will lack vegetables or a nutritious source of protein. Children can always count on something delicious, which will help them develop in a healthy way.

We are asking you today for another small gift for the children. Please stop by the pantry and donate a basket of fruits, vegetables, or just a single meal for a preschooler. Let the vitamins light up the little ones’ faces at 1,000 watts and outshine the hot Kasisi sun!

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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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