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Blessing Mapalo 2 y/o

Birthday: 03.08.2021
With Kasisi since: 11.11.2021

Blessing was only three months old when her father brought her to Kasisi. She is blind. At home, she has five siblings, two of whom are also blind. Sometimes, it seems like there should be a limit to how much suffering one family can endure, but hearing their story reveals that hardship has struck this family threefold. Blessing’s mother suffered from cancer for a long time before passing away. In such a challenging family situation, her father could no longer provide the special care his daughter needed. Bringing her to Kasisi was the right decision. We know that, thanks to our sisters and your support, she will never lack anything, especially love.

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How am I doing?

APRIL 2024
Blessing is now experiencing issues with her healthy eye. She remains under the care of specialists who are conducting various tests to provide an accurate diagnosis. She urgently needs your support.
This month, we’re taking Blessing for an eye examination using specialized equipment. This visit will determine whether the corneal scar is operable. If so, she will undergo plastic surgery in the near future. The procedure will not restore her vision in that eye; it will be conducted solely for cosmetic reasons.
JULY 2023
Although he can't see out of one eye, he's doing great. He is a Kasisi boss. In a few years' time, he will undergo surgery on his other eye, which will involve removing the vitreous body from the eye. However, this will only be an operation to improve his appearance.

The operation that Blessing underwent in June was successful. The girl can see out of one eye, is doing great and is bossing everyone around as much as she can. She is very fond of sound toys. She is cheerful and has a lot of confidence. We have no doubt that she will cope in life. When her dad visited her, he was very touched that his child could see.

JUNE 2022
Blessing Mapalo has had eye surgery! When we admitted the girl to Kasisi,it was known that she had a congenital eye problem, but the sisters did not see this as the end of the matter. They kept digging, looking for the causes of the problem to find out if there was anything we could do for the child. In addition, they noticed that Mapalo's eyes were responsive and her right eye was focusing. They quickly got in touch with a specialist in Lusaka, who ordered a number of tests and declared that he was taking on the surgery! Everything went according to plan and little Mapalo is now resting at home.
Blessing is growing nicely. She has already got used to all the residents of Kasisi. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore her sight. The girl's mother was discharged from the oncology ward and Sister Mariola found her a place in the hospice. We are paying for everything and providing her with all the things she needs.
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Support my

needs and wishes

+3 hearts


3.00 PLN
Stuffed toys
+19 hearts

Stuffed toys

19.00 PLN
Medical diagnostic tests
+75 hearts

Medical diagnostic tests

75.00 PLN
+18 hearts


18.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents



Anna Aneczka


Marlena Czyrska

Aleksandra I Jean Pierre


Dagmara Monastyrska

Barbara Zielińska

Renata Jacek Gralak


Piotr Grabek

Aleksandra Matlingiewicz



Julia Feritoo


Kasia i Tomek

Bożena W.



dziadek Darek

Dominika Manda


Dawid Szymaczek

Ewelinka ze święta Tereska

Dorota Suder

Babcia Władzia





Ula Seifert

Grażyna Batelt




Oliwia i Maja



Katarzyna Wanatowicz

Anna Wachecka

Marta Maria Szurek

Joanna z Gorlic


Renata P.

Tadeusz Kamiński



Ewa Rutka

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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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