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Join Adoptions from the Heart!

Date added: 07.04.2022

The siblings, 12-year-old Natasha and 7-year-old Gabriel, are slowly settling in at Kasisi, making their first friends.

Before they came to Kasisi, they lived in a loving home. A year ago their mum died and their dad, looking for a job to support the whole family on his own, was unable to look after the children. Natasha and Gabriel, despite their dad’s best efforts, arrived at the Kasisi Home in very poor condition. The sisters and aunties immediately took care of the children and assured them that they were now safe and would never lack anything again.

Today Natasha is discovering her hairdressing talent, which is perfectly demonstrated by Blessing’s hairstyle – we are impressed! Playing hairdresser keeps the girl occupied as she looks forward to going to a new school next term.

We know that for every child who carries with them a baggage of harm and disenchantment with the world, Kasisi is a place where they will find happiness and true friends. Friends like you. That is what Adoptions from the Heart is for! It is the easiest way in the world to connect our children with wonderful people, ready to accompany them in spreading their wings! Join Adoptions from the Heart! Let’s do everything to make sure Natasha meets as many wonderful FRIENDS as possible today!

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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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