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Bwalya 9 y/o

Birthday: 24.10.2014
With Kasisi since: 17.02.2015

Bwalya was abandoned. Kasisi is the best and only place for him, since his mother brought him here herself and left him in our care. We love him and want to see him succeed.

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How am I doing?

Bwalya is a nice, well-behaved boy. His independence really surprises us and fills us with pride. He's growing nicely and doesn't cause any problems. He absolutely loves football - there’s nothing he enjoys more.
JULY 2023
He is doing well. There are no problems with him. He is calm, helpful and friendly. His great passion is football. He kicks at it whenever he has a free moment. He enjoys going to school. He is a good student.

He goes to school. He is growing nicely. He is reticent and quiet. There are no problems with him.

JULY 2022
JUNE 2021
He is in the first grade. He has grown a lot and is very tall. He has lots of ideas and often organizes competitions with his friends.
MAY 2019
He continues to go to the onsite preschool. He likes to sing, dance and watch cartoons.
He is doing well in preschool and enjoys playing with other children.
JUNE 2017
He is in the baby group. His development is on track and he is starting to walk.
view older
Support my

needs and wishes

+10 hearts


10.00 PLN
Set of sensory toys
+80 hearts

Set of sensory toys

80.00 PLN
Vegetable basket
+15 hearts

Vegetable basket

15.00 PLN
Nshima (cornmeal porridge)
+3 hearts

Nshima (cornmeal porridge)

3.00 PLN
current sponsors

adoptive parents




Gabriela Maria

Ksenia, Robert i Józio



Małgorzata Kluz



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Urgent help needed

Cots for Kasisi

The metal cots and worn-out mattresses have lulled generations of Kasisi kids to sleep, but are now in desperate need of replacement.

Our dream is to make the babies’ bedrooms look like a truly homely, safe environment that is associated with warmth. Will you help us make this dream a reality?

we have:
8,131 PLN
we need:
48,000 PLN
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